
Move - WASD

Grab - Q

Throw - E

Reverse Storm Direction - Space

Pause/Resume - Escape

DISCLAIMER: I realize there's some major bugs after a few levels with the timer and money, the gameplay should still be ok though! Sorry about that!

My entry for Brackey's Game Jam 2024.2!!! I wasn't super creative with the theme and there are still an impossibly large number of bugs but I hope you enjoy! I am missing a way to end the game as I didn't have time to implement a lives system, so for now just enjoy the endless levels - if they work! Try to earn the most money and let me know how you did. Enjoy!

Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withGodot
TagsNinja, restaurant, storm, sushi


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Very minimalistic ^^ still the tornado add's a spin to difficulty pretty nicely. I like the 8-bit music as well. Execution is pretty neet kuddos!

Thanks so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed!